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Let me Introduce myself. My name is Miguel Antunes, 49 year young, born in Portugal, living in Mafra Portugal, married to a beautiful wife, two dogs, two cats, two kids and I like to take photos as a hobby. Nothing to complain about Life.


Photography hasn't been in my life forever. I's been a recent entry during my late 30's. Looking back though, I would rumage through my Fathers National Geographics from the 40's and 50's, admiring its stunning pictures. Still do. Not reading the lines, but reading the Photos and making my own stories up as I went along. And this is how i've learned, by looking at photos and asking myslf “how was this taken”. Today the world has made our life a lot easier with the advent to internet and youtube. Learning has never been easier (so I keep teling my kids, who for some reason only use the PC for films and games.. sigh...” and this is how i've learned... looking, asking experimenting and practising!

Fact is, since I can remember, I've never really been a fan of words. For me the saying “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” is certainly how I feel and how I see the world around me. I see the world in pictures more easily than in words. And so thats why for me every photo, every image, should convey a beauty and a feeling, Obviously it also helps if it conveys something to the audience as well.


I dont really have a style. Perhaps because of my late development i'm still building one up. I Love the outdoors, so obviously Nature photography is a must. But as most Nature photographers know all too well, nature doesnt come to us, we have to go to it, and “Time”, including the waking up early part of time, is sometimes lacking in that department. So to fill my lack of time, i've also delved into Portraiture and a bit of fashion, be it indoor or outdoor.


Quite often I get asked what kind of material I use. To be honest, I dont even have a Full Frame Camera. My equipment is not pro but it does the job. When people ask me for advise I allways say, read, investigate, experiment, and get to know your equipment inside out. Nothing like it.

About me

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